How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil for Hair Loss and Repair

The Castor oil is known to be an all time healer and it was brought to Jamaica from the jungles of Africa about 500 years back. The Jamaican black castor oil can be useful for healing hair problems, body aches and skin problems. The role of Jamaican black castor oil in improving skin conditions has been instrumental and the experts agree to the fact.

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How can Jamaican black castor oil be helpful for Hair and Scalp?

The castor oil not only cleanses the toxins and nourishes the hair but it also moisturizes the dry brittle hair and facilitates hair growth. The anti-fungal properties of the oil help avoid the scalp infections that are responsible for hair loss.  The hair becomes thicker, softer and shinier after the use of Jamaican black castor oil.

Let us know how to use the oil for Hair loss and repair now.

How to apply the castor oil in order to prevent hair loss:

The best method to use the castor oil is to rub a portion of oil on your palm and apply it over the scalp and roots, making sure that the bald spots are not spared. After applying the oil, keep the area under influence of castor oil covered for the whole night and wash hair the next morning. The castor oil is extremely thick; hence you should consider rubbing only a small portion of the oil at a time. If you infuse too much oil in the hair, it can be overtly difficult to wash your hair the next day.

This process shall be repeated once every week and you might notice a difference in 6-7 weeks time. You can also add a little conditioner with castor oil in order to work out the moisture quotient.  The use of castor oil promotes the hair growth and the people who have used the oil are totally satisfied with the results. Castor oil can also be very effective in case your hair is not growing normally. The only important factor to notice here is that you wash your hair the very next day otherwise the castor oil can backfire on you.

You can simply check out the advantages of the Jamaican black castor oil on various health and lifestyle blogs around the internet. With the regular use of castor oil, you can easily maintain the quality, shine and thickness of your hair. However, it is very important to cross check whether the castor oil you are purchasing is not mixed with chemicals. You can make the purchase online as there are many stores that selling the product. The extra dark castor oil is the most effective one in case of hair growth and its results have never been debated upon by experts. It infuses deep into the scalp and settles there for recovery making the hair softer. But it is very important to wash the hair very next day.

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